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Hot Keywords: Stone renovation and maintenance | daily cleaning | cement floor curing | cement self leveling
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HOR LINES锛010-83795913

ADDRESS锛189 Sihui building materials City, Chaoyang District, Beijing

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漏 COPYRIGHT 2018 Beijing Haojie JIAYE cleaning service center ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
CONTACT UE 锛歁anager XuCALL锛13167331899MOBILE锛13167331899
EMAIL锛歺jbbj@126.comADDRESS锛189 Sihui building materials City, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Beijing marble crystal Chaoyang District marble crystal company
  璁块棶浜烘暟锛1873    鏇存柊鏃堕棿锛2020/6/24 18:41:06    鏀惰棌姝ら〉

Beijing marble crystal Co., Ltd. Beijing marble renovation Co., Ltd. specializes in repairing marble scratches, treating marble lesions, and treating various problems of stone materials that are not bright. It works first and charges later to ensure customer satisfaction. The company's quality assurance has won praise from new and old customers.

Foreman's telephone: 13167331899 wechat synchronous work permit


Landlie: 010-83794081